

July 2nd: We all thought you DROVE through the Chunnel to get to the continent.  Nope.  You drive your car onto a train, then read a book to avoid the non-scenery.   My current book, a real doozy, too: "The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind", by Julian Jaynes.  Very interesting take on language as the forming pulse of civilization, and the curious way the brain interacts w/language, creating Gods, etc......

July 2nd: We all thought you DROVE through the Chunnel to get to the continent. Nope. You drive your car onto a train, then read a book to avoid the non-scenery. My current book, a real doozy, too: “The Origin of Consciousness in the Break Down of the Bicameral Mind”, by Julian Jaynes. Very interesting take on language as the forming pulse of civilization, and the curious way the brain interacts w/language, creating Gods, etc……


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