
Nov.12: We leave Seattle, again….. off to W.O.W.

Superb coffee shop a few blocks from the Hi-X Hotel we stayed at: Tougo Coffee Co. on the corner of 8th and Westlake. Top notch beverages and charming folks behind the counter. Then, again, we marvel at Jimmy’s ability to “sqaure-off” all the gear into the back of the van. Not an inch wasted space. Not a quarter of an inch.

A couple more details here: We are now on I-5 south of Seattle. Speed: 70 mph on the dot. Ford Van rented from: Bandago. Air quality in van: quite tolerable. Music at the moment: Fucked Up. Condition of sky: some clouds, but sunny (there is a sun! The rumors are true…!). Quality of pavement: mild bumpiness, but nothing to warrant current govt. grants for repair. Color of trees on hillside: green. Vehicles on the road: generally evenly spaced, between 10 and 20 feet between each. Pete just pointed out that we’re passing “Millersylvania State Park”. Ooops, there goes the sun. Haven’t we been on this road before?

WOW Hall (Eugene, OR): one of the coolest venues we play on the West Coast. Good DIY ethic mixed with professionalism.

Kickass (sic) night of rock (or whatever it is) by Explode Into Colors. Their sense of rhythm and time is so on it’s quite amazing – interlocking rhythmic fest. We’re starting to know some of their songs – just in time to not play with them again – and they get better when you know them. What a band (all Burmas think this, hands down….). Our set was quite good, too – we’re back on track as we were last night. Felt good. Hotel is only two blocks away. We can leave the gear securely in the venue overnight. Don’t have to leave until noon. Goal tomorrow: short drive, hot springs, early hotel fun! It’s about fucking time as far as we’re concerned……
