
Nov.11 – the Return of Seattle

Our friend Eric set us up for a hi-fi breakfast/brunch at his place. We’re talkin’ hi-fi pancakes, hi-fi sausages of variety, hi-fi eggs of scrambling, plus general hi-fi. Our only payback was signing the vinyl he had – virtually all Burma plus Volcano Suns, Shellac, and more of my solo albums than I care to recall. An exceptionally pleasant morning. Then back on 5 North, where we just came down yesterday, and will go back down tomorrow. There was a rainbow that was so close it started between the two cars in front of us and ended by the side ditch. Never seen one that close, and Jimmy had to steer carefully to avoid getting the tires burnt.

The new Crocodile Club in Seattle is definitely “bigger”. The acoustics of the room are not exactly ideal, however. Just ask Bob. Or us. But we played with the most “correct verve” of the tour so far – no obstacles to fight, and back on track (Portland was a tad bit lame on our part…..). Clint saw an old highschool buddy and I saw one of my nephews, so external socialization was good.

The opening band, Explode Into Colors, was superb (happily we play w/’em tomorrow, too). 3 gals: 2 drummers, one baritone guitar, and two of them on vocals. All players really really good – this group setup could be a recipe for disaster, but the fact that they pull it off so smoothly makes them all the more amazing. Highly recommended to see if they show up in your town.
